
Free Break-Even Point Calculator & Formula

5 min read

breakeven calculator

The following table shows current rates for savings accounts, interst bearing checking accounts, CDs, and money market accounts. Use the filters at the top to set your initial deposit amount and your selected products. This is a step further from the base calculations, but having done the math on BEP beforehand, you can easily move on to more complex estimates.

How Do You Calculate a Breakeven Point in Options Trading?

Once you know the number of break even units, it will give you a target which you and your staff can aim towards. A break even point could be an ongoing target, say 20 units per week. In order to calculate your break even point (the point where your sales cover all of your expenses), you will need to know three key numbers. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a tool that would allow you to quickly and easily estimate and graph a company’s break-even point? Look no further; at PM Calculators, we present you with our online version of a break-even calculator to obtain it quickly and online. Depending on your business, transportation and travel can take a big portion of your business expenses.

Contribution Margin

The break-even point (BEP) helps businesses with pricing decisions, sales forecasting, cost management, and growth strategies. A business would not use break-even analysis to measure its repayment of debt or how long that repayment will take. Your business needs to generate $250,000 in revenue to cover all operating expenses and break even. With the break even result you can start to analyze the micro components that create the overall cost.

  • These days, it’s definitely to worthwhile to invest in social media marketing.
  • Take note of expensive and unnecessary costs that you can reduce.
  • Though breaking even may not seem much of a goal, it’s an important standard that tells you when your revenues have covered your expenses.
  • But again, expect them to charge higher rates than traditional banks.

Situation 1: Comparing short-maturity bonds with long-maturity bonds

The break-even point is an extremely important starting goal to work towards. Where the contribution margin ratio is equal to the contribution margin divided by the revenue. Percentage difference between the cost of producing a good and its selling price. Here, the calculation is simpler because the maturities are the same.

breakeven calculator

Knowing the break-even interest rate is important in comparing bonds. With it, you can make your own predictions about what the future will bring and make a decision accordingly. Some stocks are rather immune to inflationary pressure, while others can even benefit from inflation. The only national organization that pro-actively helps you grow your business and your bottom line. Another way to elevate your brand it to improve your reputation. Like they say, a good reputation is great advertising in itself.

Salary Calculators

If you’re not used to requesting referrals, make it a habit, most appropriately after completing a service. To encourage your customers, you can even make a referral program which offers discounts or gift checks. This should make customers more eager to refer family and friends. square and xero If you need to stay out of town for a business-related trip, take advantage of credit card reward points. If you need to go on frequent trips, choose a more affordable hotel. Though business transport expenses are tax deductible, they still take cash before you can make claims.

For example, raising prices doesn’t necessarily mean more profit as sales are typically demand led. That means that the more people want things, the higher the demand. The less availability, the easier it is to increase the relative value of a product.

Depending on your business, you can stay connected with your consumers via Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. These days, it’s definitely to worthwhile to invest in social media marketing. These platforms also allow you to target your intended customers. Social media can help promote events, post about promos and discounts, and create an image that is accessible for consumers. According to, in 2021, around 91.9% of U.S. marketers in companies with over 100 employees were expected to use social media to market products and services.

Increasing Customer Sales – When there’s higher demand, a business must produce more of its products. To meet the higher demand volume, you need to cover larger production expenses. As a result, increasing sales also raises your BEP because you spend for extra expenses. Now, if you want to pay your $20,000 commercial loan within 3 years, you must add $5 per unit on your product. By knowing you’re within your competitor’s price range, you are also not overpricing your product. Founded in 1993, The Motley Fool is a financial services company dedicated to making the world smarter, happier, and richer.



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